
A sustainability strategy for a regenerative convention region Tirol

“What we do today determines what the world will be like tomorrow .” – Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Tirol represents a balance of economic, social and environmental sustainability and is the ideal combination of nature, exercise, health and mountain experience.
Tourism in Tirol takes responsibility for an attractive living and desired recreational area as well as a promising economic area and sees itself as a driving force for a worldly and future-oriented organization of our society.

The Convention Bureau Tirol aims to expand its role as a competence center and, as a role model in the Alpine region, to consistently implement courageous and, above all, sustainable steps in its own further development, as well as to contribute to innovative sustainability development with its radiant power to the outside world.

With this resolution, the conference destination Tirol decided at the beginning of 2021 to participate in a benchmarking according to the Global Destination Sustainability (GDS) Movement. Since then, a lot has happened. One of the main focuses was the development of a sustainability strategy for a regenerative meeting destination, Tirol.


In a collaborative and co-creative process with a cross-sector and interdisciplinary working group, as well as under the constant guidance of GDS change-makers Claudia van’t Hullenaar and Noah Joubert, the Convention Bureau Tirol is now delighted to present the sustainability strategy under the title “ReGenerationNOW” and an associated action plan with very precise measures.

Timeline ReGenerationNow
Timeline ReGenerationNow
Timeline ReGenerationNow

If you have any questions or input regarding ReGenerationNOW or the catalog of measures, please do not hesitate to contact our expert Sarah Vonier. We see these documents as living papers and are therefore very concerned about their continuous optimization and adaptation. Of course, we would also be very pleased to hear your opinion. You too can help shape a more sustainable future for us all!

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