Did you know that around 75 % of Austria’s alpine milk comes from Tirol? Over 50 % of Tirol’s dairy cows spend their summers grazing on one of over 2000 alpine farms. Compared to the rest of Austria, Tirol has over 120,000 hectares of alpine pastureland, almost twice as much as second-placed Salzburg.
Alpine farming is one of the most sustainable forms of food production, both in terms of resource use and animal welfare. When marketed correctly, high-quality alpine products benefit the entire value-adding process and provide a consolidating boost to the whole region. Guests and locals alike appreciate the harmonious and still authentic farming system. It is therefore particularly important from an ecological and economic point of view to support and preserve these alpine farms.
Keeping animals on alpine farms and feeding them with fresh grass and delicious herbs, as well as allowing them to graze freely on mountain pastures, enables them to grow into robust and healthy animals. This is also reflected, of course, in the unique quality of the milk and meat.
Alpine dairymen and women use traditional methods to process fresh milk into butter, cheese, etc. directly on the mountain farms.
The Almleben project aims to create incremental value and improved profitability of alpine farms through quality assurance and product marketing.