Sustainability in the meeting room
We tried to find a solution for cost-effective and easily accessible drinks in the meeting room for one of our main clients. The Europahaus-team came up with a custom-built drinking fountain directly in the meeting room and the catering area. Every participant is gifted a branded glass water bottle to refill with fresh Zillertal spring water at all times!
Unlimited, free and even contactless since 2020!
No stress, no shards, no spills, plus: the participants get to keep a souvenir which comes in handy in their day to day life!
New catering expert at Europahaus Mayrhofen | Congress Zillertal
Coming out of our ‘corona-hibernation’ to start the summer with five events of our main Client, Jürgen Höller Academy, the Europahaus-team has been extended! Please welcome Denise Moroder who is our new catering & event manager. Denise is born and raised in the Zillertal valley and likes to spend her free time on the tennis court with her family or out in nature with family dog Nera!
Jürgen Höller Academy
Already in June and July, Europahaus Mayrhofen | Congress Zillertal was able to hold five events together with the Jürgen Höller Academy. Particularly challenging were the almost weekly changing measures from the Austrian government, which ended up in preparing three different hygiene concept versions for each event, just to be safe. Another priority was to communicate the requirements for entering Austria and the legal measures to participate at the event with the guests. We’ve prepared a separate landing page for the events to keep that information up to date at all times. To speed-up the entry process we’ve implemented a colour scheme: participants who are immune or vaccinated could pass quickly with a green name tag while the others were checked daily for their test status. Instant self-tests were available to take directly at Europahaus Mayrhofen | Congress Zillertal. Event with more relaxed restrictions after July 1st, we’ve decided to use the space available nonetheless.
Stefanie Thurner
+43 (0) 5285 6750-211