10 tips for coordinating a successful hybrid event
Alejandro Contreras has compiled 10 tips for hybrid meetings for the platform Successful Meetings, which you can find here:
1. Run an in-studio event with a live audience whenever possible.
2. In the video being broadcast, incorporate close-ups of presenters while giving their speeches, mixed with wide views of the audience and Studio.
3. Poll the webcast audience live, then push the poll results for the audience to see and discuss the feedback live. Use pooling features that display both percentages and easy-to-read pie graphs, to allow the audience a glimpse of how their fellow remote-audience members are responding.
4. In addition to the live video pre-recorded videos, prepare downloads and information around your live content, that could be added to the webcast to give some background, highlight the importance of the live event and creating excitement.
5. Track the consumption of pre-recorded content so you can analyse which attendees accessed which materials.
6. Small details, such as the name of the current or upcoming presenter and presenter biographies, add context for live viewers and anyone joining the webcast mid-event.
7. Easy sharing through social media can be enabled to spread event awareness and create buzz around your Content.
8. When possible, incorporate Q&A´s that include both live and remote audience Questions.
9. Use animation in your PowerPoint presentation and other interactive website Features.
10. Post-event, execute and email campaign to reach anyone who was unable to attend in person or unable to watch live from their computer and provide access to the archived webcast on-demand. The campaign can help extend the reach of the in-person event to not only the in-person audience but also a social audience through replays.