Business Transformation & Digitalisation ©Standortagentur Tirol

Business Transformation & Digitalisation

Innovations in Tirol’s information and communication technology

Information and communication technology is one of THE fastest growing industries in recent decades.

Analysis and collection of data enables numerous industries to develop new products, services and business models. New definitions and functions are attributed to data and are driving technology forward at a tremendous pace.
Every company must determine for itself which technologies, processes, capabilities and business models must be implemented.

Tirol is way ahead of the game in this sector.

Cluster IT Tirol supports and accompanies companies actively and individually, by means of networking and know-how transfer, as well by initiating and supporting collaborative projects.

The following key topics are promoted in particular:

  • eTourism: the digital road to the guest, digital customer journey, context-oriented and intelligent interactions with the guest.
  • Digital building: creation of digital twins (digital models), meetings across distributed teams (transparency in the construction process, coherent changes and quality improvements, and much more).
  • Healthcare
  • Smart production technologies: modern communication and collaborative solutions (new working worlds)
  • eCommerce and smart contracts: the use of new technologies makes trade possible without intermediaries, as well as new trading and trust systems.

Numerous start-ups in this sector as well as digitalisation funding from the Tirolean Provincial Government are powerful drivers for business transformation and further development, whereby sustainable innovations are the focus of Tirolean business and research.

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